Get Productive!

Get Productive! is a tool for quickly tracking, categorizing, sorting, and filtering all sorts of projects and tasks.

This project arose as the result of personal needs. For years, I have used the whiteboard in my studio/office to keep track of all the things I would like to accomplish. But a whiteboard has a limited amount of space, is a pain to reorganize, and can only be modified if you’re standing right in front of it. That system can make it difficult to figure out what to prioritize. I looked at existing digital solutions but didn’t find anything that really thrilled me, so I spent a little time to make an application tailored to my personal desires.

Projects can be defined/sorted/filtered by:

  • Name
  • Priority
  • Difficulty
  • Length of Time to Complete
  • Estimated Cost / Resulting Income
  • Created Date
  • Deadline Date
  • Started Status
  • Blocked Status (i.e. if there’s anything preventing completion)
  • User-Defined Categories
  • Additional Comments

Filtering criteria can be stacked, so it’s easy to quickly see any combination of properties that the user can think of (e.g. show all projects that have a deadline that have not been started, show all projects that are set to high priority that can quickly be completed, et cetera).

Projects can be marked Completed, sending them to a separate list from the Ongoing projects, or they can be sent to the Trash, from which they can be permanently deleted.

The application has a fully encrypted JWT-based authentication system with the ability to create/verify users and reset passwords via email. I’ve been wanting to learn how to build a secure authentication system from scratch for a while now, so this was a good excuse to take on that technical challenge.

If it looks interesting, create an account and give it a try!