Meat Mead Metal – Offerings of Flesh and Gold Full Review

Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze Put Hypnotic Black Haze Over Chaos on “Offerings of Flesh and Gold”

“If you haven’t yet woken up to Colorado/Washington black metal blazers Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze, make that correction right now. There’s a link to the record below. Go listen to it immediately. You can do that and read this piece at the same time. The band’s devastating and mind-bending debut record “Offerings of Flesh and Gold” is one of the most amazing first records I’ve heard in a long, long time. Maybe the last time I was this excited was with FALSE’s first EP, and we all know how that story turned out.”

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Forrest James – Offerings of Flesh and Gold Full Review

Bull of Apis, Bull of Bronze make an Offering to the movement

“Many lament the saturation of black metal with politics, but it is deeply necessary. More so than any other genre, black metal has explicit stratifications of ideology. Slayer and Pantera may dabble in thinly veiled racism, but Burzum and Emperor spawned a well defined sub-genre of nazi metal. It makes sense in a way for it to be black metal to succumb to right-wing extremism, and it makes even more sense for the genre to now give voice to the left. The concentration in black metal of theatricality, gravitas, and extremity lends itself to transcendent visions of the future. And visions of the future is exactly what distinguishes opposing radical political ideologies from the mainstream: we see a future rid of hate and control and violence; they see a future rid of us. And as much as the mainstream likes to think the world is static, the future is always coming, and it will be one of those visions. That’s what makes Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze and other explicitly anti-fascist black metal bands so important. ”

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Treble – Offerings of Flesh and Gold Full Review


Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze : Offerings of Flesh and Gold

“…The focus, power, and beautiful of these compositions, along with their masterful pacing both internally and over the course of Offerings of Flesh and Gold, place Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze’s debut up in the echelons of truly great affecting extreme metal, alongside other greats like Wolves in the Throne Room and Neurosis. There is no such thing as interior versus exterior politics, and they know this; politics is the material result in the world of some great undeniable motivating force that dwells in the spirit, and it is toward this spirit that Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze so powerfully gesture and attempt to communicate. This is, without a doubt, one of the very finest records of the year and a powerful contribution to the two worlds of black metal and of political music.”

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Heavy Blog Is Heavy – Offerings of Flesh and Gold Blurb


Kvlt Kolvmn // June 2019

“Ah. Black metal and politics. For some, ne’er the twain shall meet. For others, it’s a principal driver behind why they do (or don’t) listen to the music. Whatever side of this divide you find yourself on, it would be very difficult to argue against the fact that politics has become (and, frankly, has always been) a key component of black metal as a genre. Colorado/Washington-based black metal monolith Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze make no attempt to hide the political undertones of their music, staring point blank on their Bandcamp page that there’s is music ”hoping to channel that energy into creating tangible change.” If that isn’t a shot across the bow of black metal’s most controversial topic I don’t know what is. Whether or not you find their politics agreeable, BoABoB are using extreme music as a vehicle to achieve political ends, and if we’re to judge that vehicle’s value by the quality of the music, were most certainly headed toward societal change in a somehow eco-friendly V8. ”

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Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze – Offerings of Flesh and Gold

boabob cover


Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze – Offerings of Flesh and Gold

I made a pseudonymous appearance on drums for this album and later ended up mixing and mastering it as well. We worked on this album throughout the last year. A little about the project:

Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze is a collective against hierarchies, and the power structures that divide and separate humanity. The power that you feel inside you should be focused as a knife point into the hearts of those that only know how to consume, and those that live off the backs of the downtrodden… We aim to use the frustration, anger, and horror of our time to pursue meaningful change. Black metal is about power. That fire in your belly can be harnessed. It can be pointed in a direction that moves us forward. That is what we hope to accomplish.

Guitar, bass, vocals, synths, and hand drums recorded by their Achaierai and Athshean at their respective studios. Drums were tracked and the album was mixed and mastered at Big Name Recording Studio.

Digital released on A Moment of Clarity Recordings. Cassettes will be available shortly via Tridroid Records.

Invisible Oranges Premiere: Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze – Offerings of Flesh and Gold

Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze’s Almighty Anthem for the Disenfranchised

“There’s something to be said for chaos: unrule, disorder, and entropy define our modern existence perhaps better than any of their positive antitheses. It’s in this veritable gauntlet of human destruction that extreme forms of music thrive, though it’s a total misconception to assume that “fringe music” is always overly hyperbolic or necessarily panders to exaggeration. There’s actually a clear, realistic message spewing forth from the void; the darkest dawn imaginable still holds profound meaning, it’s just up to the artistry and creativity of those who can access it to, well, actually convey it. It’s here where Colorado/Washington-based black metal outfit Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze make a mark with their debut full-length Offerings of Flesh and Gold, which we are honored to host in an exclusive full stream below.”

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